Error when i try to log in as user via admin

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by foresite, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. foresite

    foresite New Member

    Apr 9, 2013

    I'm trying to log into the user's account from the admin. But when i click on the icon it redirects me to a page and i get an error.

    I looked at the log file found this:
    Table 'mytable.am_resource_access_sort' doesn't exist at /var/home/webservice/ line 41(1146) in query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT r.resource_id AS `resource_id`,resource_type AS `resource_type` FROM am_resource_access r LEFT JOIN am_access_cache c ON (c.user_id=15) AND (((c.fn = r.fn) AND ( = OR (r.fn='product_category_id' AND AND ( (c.status='active' AND r.start_days IS NULL AND r.stop_days IS NULL) OR (c.status='active' AND c.days BETWEEN IFNULL(r.start_days,0) AND IFNULL(r.stop_days, 90000)) OR (c.days >= IFNULL(r.start_days,0) AND r.stop_days = -1) ) WHERE (r.fn IN ('free', 'free_without_login') OR c.user_id IS NOT NULL) AND resource_type IN ('folder', 'file', 'page', 'link', 'video') GROUP BY r.resource_access_id ORDER BY (SELECT ras.sort_order FROM am_resource_access_sort ras WHERE ras.resource_id=r.resource_id AND ras.resource_type=r.resource_type LIMIT 1), r.resource_id, r.resource_type

    So I used the rebuild tables in the admin section.
    Still no luck.

    Help! Thanks
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Try to open this url on your site from browser: /amember/admin-upgrade-db
    If this doesn't help, download latest version of amember and reupload all files from it, (it seems several files in your installation are from different amember versions)

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