I'm trying to make a script that will subscribe current users, using the API. I copied the example here, http://www.amember.com/docs/REST_API_examples and put it into a test file, test.php I changed some of the variables, and ended up with this, PHP: <?php$url = 'http://www.frybreadssite.com/amember/api/invoices'; $vars = array( '_key' => 'DSFwHfakekeyjmK222', /// fake key, I used my real one ///// Invoice Record; 'user_id' => 5184, 'paysys_id' => 'offline', 'currency' => 'USD', 'first_subtotal' => '7.95', 'first_discount' => '0.00', 'first_tax' => '0.00', 'first_shipping' => '0.00', 'first_total' => '7.95', 'first_period' => '1m', 'rebill_times' => 99999, /// means forever. 'second_subtotal' => '7.95', 'second_discount' => '0.00', 'second_tax' => '0.00', 'second_shipping' => '0.00', 'second_total' => '7.95', 'second_period' => '1m', 'is_confirmed' => 1, // Must be 1 'status' => 1, // 1 -piad 0 - pending check Invoice model. //// InvoiceItem record 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_id]' => 2, // - product_id here; 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_type]' => 'product', 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_title]' => 'Archive',. 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_description]' => 'Description of item' , 'nested[invoice-items][0][qty]' => 1, 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_discount]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_price]' => '7.95', 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_tax]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_shipping]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_total]' => '7.95', 'nested[invoice-items][0][first_period]' => '1m', 'nested[invoice-items][0][rebill_times]' => 99999, 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_discount]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_tax]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_shipping]' => '0.00', 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_total]' => '7.95', 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_price]' => '7.95', 'nested[invoice-items][0][second_period]' => '1m', 'nested[invoice-items][0][currency]' => 'USD', 'nested[invoice-items][0][billing_plan_id]' => 2, // Billing plan within product, check am_billing_plan table. // InvoicePayment record 'nested[invoice-payments][0][user_id]' => 5184, 'nested[invoice-payments][0][paysys_id]' => 'offline', 'nested[invoice-payments][0][receipt_id]' => 'test-receipt', 'nested[invoice-payments][0][transaction_id]' => 'test-transaction', 'nested[invoice-payments][0][currency]' => 'USD', 'nested[invoice-payments][0][amount]' => '7.95', // Access record 'nested[access][0][user_id]' => 5184, 'nested[access][0][product_id]' => 2, 'nested[access][0][transaction_id]' => "test-transaction", 'nested[access][0][begin_date]' => '2014-01-01', 'nested[access][0][expire_date]' => '2015-01-01' ); //url-ify the data for the POST $fields_string = http_build_query($vars); //open connection $ch = curl_init(); //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($vars)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string); //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); //close connection curl_close($ch); And then I uploaded the php file to my server, then accessed it, and nothing happens to user 5184, or anyone else. If someone can give me an example of how to use the example, I'd be very grateful!
For anyone curious, support got back to me. Code: 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_title]' => 'Archive',. was a typo on amember's example. It should read, Code: 'nested[invoice-items][0][item_title]' => 'Archive',