Expiry Notification

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by andy ect, May 6, 2013.

  1. andy ect

    andy ect New Member

    Nov 22, 2010
    I'm considering implementing an upgrade from amember 3 to amember 4.
    I purchased amember 4 a while ago, but have not yet installed on my site.
    I tried today on localhost to explore.

    One thing I am puzzled by is the absence (at least in what I have found so far) of an "expire notification" facility and emails that can be sent in association with this.

    With version 3 I have had the system set to send a couple of emails to subscribers around expiry time inviting them to renew their subscription. I have not set anything to auto-renew as I have worked on the basis that subscribers should have the choice to review each year (in this case) rather than being charged automatically.

    Is this facility still available in version 4? Or is it based simply on the assumption that all subscriptions will be charged on an "auto-renew" basis.

    I may have missed something - but if it is based on an "auto-renew" system are subscribers sent an email before the renewal date to notify them that they need to take action if they don't wish to renew. Again I could not quickly find anything about an email sent to subscribers to this effect.

    I would appreciated some explanation of how all this works in version 4.

  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Yes, you can set this in the protect content / email area.
    "new expiration email"


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