I just upgraded to version 4. My previous install was version 3 with the Joomla 1.5 plugin. My amember upgrade went OK, but as soon as a new member is added or if I do a Joomla DB rebuild, I get the following error when trying to log into Joomla as a user. I am able to access Joomla's admin side, but not the user side. I've already tried to repair the jos_session table, but that didn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I found if I delete the records in jos_session, the error clears, but if I edit a user and save, the error returns (as a new record is added to jos_session)
Every time the jos_session creates a new record, the error returns. The problem seems to be that the newest member who joined as I was upgrading is not being assigned the proper usertype (it's blank) and the "gid" is zero, when it should be 18 (registered). I need to get this resolved ASAP! Please Help!!!!
Hmm, either this forum is a ghost town or nobody is using the Joomla plugin with ver 4. I am using the version 4.2.11 version of the plugin, not sure where I got it, but the download version in my am cp has only the 4.1.15 version. Looks like I'll get no answers for another 2 days.
Please upgrade your aMember install to latest aMember version - 4.2.13 (joomla plugin will be automatically included into the upgrade). If the problem persist, drop another message to you ticket, and I will help.
Alex - Thanks for the reply and for being there after hours! I'll send you the sever login info on my existing support ticket and let you take a look.
I tried to upgrade, and it looked like it did everything, however, the update nag notice still appears. It doesn't look like it updated the joomla plugin.
Check aMember version in amember CP -> Version info If version number which you see on that screen is 4.2.13 you can disregard upgrade notice. In regards to Joomla plugin, make sure you have selected correct Joomla version in plugin configuration as well.
Alexander, Alex was working on this over the weekend and left the system (live site) is a state where customers are not logged in properly, but now on Monday I see nothing has been done to resolve the remaining problem. I'm sitting on a full blown customer revolt and refund riot as the demand their money back since the script is so messed up. Please! can you assign this to someone and fix it ASAP?
My dear friend microlinx! Issue has been resolved at Saturday. Please look at the ticket #BSJ-29721-185 via web interface and answer it. Please do not submit new tickets about the same issue again and again. And check your spam filters to found out reasons why my e-mail has not been received. (We are using Amazon email sending services which works absolutely reliable).
Yes, the fatal error was fixed, but the system does not log the user in automatically. It sends them to a dead end page that says "Logged Out". I updated the ticket.