Here is what I would like to do if I purchase Amember. And I would like to know what plugins (exactly) that I would need to I will know the total cost. I run a membership site on Wordpress with "Simple Forum" installed and I use Paypal as my payment processor. I host a video podcast and the video podcasts are in mp4 format are viewable on my blog as well as Itunes...I will want only members with a valid account/login to be able to access these. I want to write blog posts for members but allow non members to see "teasers" like the first paragraph and then be taken to a registration page to read more. When members sign up, I want the username and pw they choose to also be the same name and pw for the forum as well. I want to easily be able to create registration pages with the style of my wordpress theme and not have to pay someone to do it for me. I want amember to protect my videos from non members. That is what I am looking for. Can Amember do all of it? Besides Amember, what exact plugins (if any) will I need to make this work?