Few things I don't understand - some possible bugs here too

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by crystalmedia, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. crystalmedia

    crystalmedia Member

    Oct 15, 2013
    1. The form editor has a copy link (icon). What is this for? I see no way of pasting it to a new form.

    2.What is the purpose of a user uploading an avatar? It doesn't show up when a user submits a ticket, nor does it show up anywhere else but on the user's own profile page where only they can see it.

    3. If a member is deleted by admin while they are still logged in, aMember creates a random user name. I don't know why or how this is being done, but try this: Log in as an admin and then log in as a user. As an admin, delete the user now. Refresh your deleted user's screen and you'll get an error. Okay so far so good. Now go back (type in your browser) the url to your sign up page. You'll see the deleted user as logged in still and only part of the web page will be loaded. Hit the next button at the bottom and walla, a random user name is created!! - and the deleted user can still access protected areas.

    4. Not a huge deal, but I believe "most people" are use to hitting the enter key after typing something into a form. In the FAQ search area, I think it's great that it dynamically updates as you type, but if you hit the enter button like most will probably do, you're brought to a white page with some black text describing the results of your search. Just doesn't seem right IMO.

    I will say for the most part (aside from a few items here and there) I am overall happy with aMember. Support is awesome so far, but I do hate to bug them. Profits go down the tube when you spend all day giving people support (I know!). Though it's been said here by many to not post on the forum but ask support, I feel that's counter productive. What's better in my opinion is to ASK or POST your issues here FIRST and to support as well, assuming you also come back to post the FIX your were given. This way everyone wins. The forum becomes more useful for finding answers, and aMember coders can spend more time working on enhancements to benefit us all.

    My rant,
    Thanks !!
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This is literally for copying signup forms. When you click it amember create signup form with the same bricks and settings as current one and opens this form for editing.
    Currently this pluin only allow to store avatar in profile,. In order to display it you have to modify templates or use your own php code. There are no other usages currently.
    Thanks for the info! This will be fixed in next release.

    Fixed as well.
  3. crystalmedia

    crystalmedia Member

    Oct 15, 2013
    Alexander, thank you for your response. The copy link icon seems a useful tool, a smart "time saving" idea!! - but for some reason it is not working for me. I briefly see the "ajax loading" gif for only a brief moment and then it goes away and nothing else happens. Any idea why?

  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    What amember version do you have? Can you provide aMember CP login info in helpdesk?
  5. crystalmedia

    crystalmedia Member

    Oct 15, 2013
    Latest version. Sent you user name and pass via support ticket. Thanks !!

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