Folder protection issue...

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by summitmarketing, May 8, 2012.

  1. summitmarketing

    summitmarketing New Member

    May 1, 2012

    I upgraded to the latest beta release in order to use Aweber integration which is all fine, however I now have a problem with my protected folder setup. I have protected a folder on the same server as my amember installation however whenever I try to access it the system is ignoring the URL and trying to find the folder within the amember installation e.g.:

    Protected URL (using new_rewrite) is at:

    If I try to access it either by logging on as a user or clicking the link from within amember itself (on the protected folders page) it is taking me to: which doesn't exist.

    So it appears to basically be ignoring the URL. I've tried manually deleting the .htaccess file and then deleting and re-adding the protection in amember but nothing seems to work and naturally it's a critical issue if no one can log on and access the protected folders properly.

    Please note the amember install is on a subdomain of my licensed domain name whereas the protected folder is on a different domain (but the same server). I am sure with the latest stable release this was not an issue so I cannot figure out what has changed since the upgrade.

    All help is appreciated.


  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    What I have done on my own site is that on the page that sets up the protected area I have checked the box marked 'Hide' so that it is impossible to find a link in their membership area.

    Now if you click on a link to the protected page it should take you straight there via the log in page.
  3. summitmarketing

    summitmarketing New Member

    May 1, 2012

    Thanks, however I should have also explained that anything I link to within the protected folder runs into the same issue i.e. link to will redirect me to which doesn't exist.

    So it appears that however amember is checking for the cookie and then redirecting is ignoring the full URL of the page that a user is trying to access. I have noticed that when it passes the info to the logon page it excludes the information and just shows url=/member/document_name.html.

    Hope that helps someone identify the issue.



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