Force category on signup before activating subscription

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by strategicdeals, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. strategicdeals

    strategicdeals New Member

    May 21, 2008

    I sell products to 2 different countries (non-us) . Each country has its own payment system and the system for one country doesn't work for the other. Customers of one of the countries usually don't pay using credit cards and use an offline form of payment, which means that when they signup on Amember the first time, they won't have an active subscription for a few days. Sometimes they need to try to place the order more than once, meaning they have to login to their members area and click on add/renew products. Customers of the other country sometimes have to do that too.

    The problem I have is that unless the customer has an ACTIVE subscription, the rules for new purchases don't work and products for both countries are displayed and the choices for both payment systems are given. No matter how I edit the form on default signup page (the one on the members area), I can't get what I want to work.

    This is being a problem for me because my customers are not used to making online purchases and if given more than one option they don't know which one to pick and either give up or make the wrong choice (even with instructions on the page). For example, there's text besides the payment form label that says "country 1" and "country2", but people from "country 2", select the option for "country 1" and don't know why they can't make the purchase.

    Again, if customer has an active subscription for a specific country, then this is not a problem, since the rules of disallowing purchases for certain categories apply. This is also not a problem if the customer is creating his user name for the first time, coming from my website and filling out the custom form for that country specific category.

    My problem is only for the default signup form when customer doesn't have any active subscription.


    I thought that if I added an "invisible" product on each custom country specific form, a free product that would be available for the customer as soon he signed up, then that would count as as ACTIVE subscription and force the rules to be triggered when he visited the default signup form to try to order his product again.

    According to the "logic" of how information is organized on Amember v.4, I was totally convinced that it would work, but it didn't. Not only the customer doesn't have access to the free product, he still can see options for both countries.

    I also thought I could use user groups to do that, but no.


    What I'm trying to accomplish is to assign the customer to a specific category right from the signup, regardless of having an active subscription or not, so if a customer that doesn't have yet an active subscription clicks on the add/renew tab, he won't see options for both countries, only his own country/category.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This can be done as customization only. Please contact us in helpdesk for a quote.

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