Free Subscription

Discussion in 'Integration' started by coloradok5, May 2, 2003.

  1. coloradok5

    coloradok5 Guest

    Trying to set up a free subscription, what do I enter in the "Duration" field? Any other tips?
    When a new user (free) is added the user is "expired" so I must have a setting wrong somewhere? :rolleyes:
  2. abbeyvet

    abbeyvet New Member

    Feb 2, 2003
    You need to add the length of the subscription in the duration field. eg

    1y = One year
    10y = 10 years

    You just enter the length of time you want the subscription to last. You cannot logically leave it blank, that would mean a subscription with no duration - ie it is created and the expired immediately

    It is really immaterial what the duration actually is if the subscription is free, since users will still have access to their membership page when their membership expires and can renew it themselves from there.
  3. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Thanks abbeyvet for good answer.
    Another examples of values for duration field:
    3d - 3 days
    3 - 3 days (the same)
    2m - 2 calendar months
    5y - 5 years

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