german "button solution"

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by sesc, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. sesc

    sesc New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    According to a german law called "button solution" (infolink) i have to modify the signup-form in two ways:

    1. after choosing the product, pay system and adding the personal details the user needs to see an "overview page" with all those informations, especially the total amount and conditions.

    2. the last button to confirm the order must be labeled "pay" not "next"


    First Page: Products -> "next" -> personal details -> "next" -> paysystem -> "next" -> overview page -> "buy" -> forward to paysystem.

    are there any solutions for this problems? i tried but failed.
    there should be more german amember users who have to do it that way too.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Payment plugins systems do you use? Do you need this mod in signup page or CC info page(if you have it)?
  3. sesc

    sesc New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    thanx for reply, alex.

    I just use offline payment and the paypal plugin.

    i tried to use the "form pagebreak brick" and rename the button "next" to "buy", but theres always displayed "next". but even if it would work, there is still that required "overview page" missing.

    is it possible to add a "overview brick" to the signup page? (similar to the "your basket" page in the cart)

    i attached two pictures to explain what is exactly need for that silly german law.
    overviewform.png paymentflow.png

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