Get current language variable for non-logged-in visitor

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tomingles, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013

    I have seen a couple of posts on how to retrieve the logged-in user's language using Am_Lite. However what I would like to do is on the /amember/member page, when it asks "Not Registered Yet? Signup here" and links to my default login form, I would like to link to two different signup forms which display different categories of products based on the current language selection.

    As the user is not logged in, we can't detect the user's language using Am_Lite.

    So if somebody is viewing login.phtml in Spanish, it links to a custom signup form displaying Spanish version products, and if someone is viewing login.phtml in English it will link to my signup form displaying English version products.

    Is there a "current language" variable I can check for on the login page to add this logic to the "Signup here" link?

  2. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Support replied:

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