Hello, I search a lot but without much success. Am_Di::getInstance()->user->getActiveProducts(); Am_Di::getInstance()->user->getActiveProductsExpiration(); but for any user ID (without calling login() method): Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->login('user', 'pass', ''); Also, is there any proper way to get user list? Right now I am getting it directly from am_user table. Thanks
It's something closer but still does not include information I need: $user = Am_Di::getInstance()->userTable->load($user_id, false);
I did some reverse engineering, however the code I am looking for is here: http://example.com/amember/api/check-access/by-email?_key=APIKEY&email=test@example.com anyone knows which script handles this request?
Case anyone will search for the same here is solution: Am_Di::getInstance()->userTable->findBy(array()); Also, if you want to work with amember, you should understand how Record class works! Very difficult but well written code!