We used to have the Revecom and Paypal plugins modified (in version 1.9 of Amember) so that we could get the price and member id in the thanks.php url after a successful signup (for an affiliate program and for ad conversion tracking). The relevant portion of the Revecom plugin with our modification to get this to work was as follows: $vars = array( 'companyid' => $this->config['company_id'], 'total' => sprintf('%.2f', $price), 'product1' => $title, 'redirect' => urlencode(sprintf("%s/thanks.php?price=%d&member_id=%d&product_id=%d&payment_id=%d", $config['root_url'], $price, $member_id, $product_id, $payment_id)), This gave us the price, member id, product id and payment id in the return url. Something like http://yoursite.com/amember/thanks.php?price=50,member_id=812,product_id=7,payment_id=358. This was also useful for conversion tracking using Google ads. After we upgraded to the lastest version of Amember, we were able to get this working in the Paypal plugins, but cannot seem to get it to work in Paysystems. Is there some way to get the return url from Paysystems to still provide this data? thanks Bill
The new plugin is renamed to "Paysystems" instead of Revecom and has quite different code. For instance the relevant area now starts with function do_bill($amount, $title, $products, $u, $invoice){ global $config; and goes on with $vars = array( 'companyid' => $this->config['company_id'], 'total' => sprintf('%.2f', $amount), 'product1' => $title, 'redirect' => $config['root_url'] . '/thanks.php?', 'redirectfail' => $config['root_url'] . '/cancel.php', 'option1' => $invoice, 'b_firstname' => $u['name_f'], 'b_lastname' => $u['name_l'], 'b_address' => $u['street'], 'b_city' => $u['city'], 'b_zip' => $u['zip'], 'b_country' => $u['country'], 'b_state' => $u['state'], 'b_tel' => $u['data']['phone'], 'email' => $u['email'] ); The old one started with function do_payment($payment_id, $member_id, $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, &$vars){ before what we changed which just added the encoding of the return url: 'redirect' => urlencode(sprintf("%s/thanks.php?price=%d&member_id=%d&product_id=%d&payment_id=%d", $config['root_url'], $price, $member_id, $product_id, $payment_id)), thanks for your help Bill
Still looking for how to do this. We had it working with Amember version 1.9 and using the old Revecom plugin so we assume it is still possible. (And, we have it working with both the Paypal and Paypal_r plugins.) We even tried just using the old Plugin instead of the new Paysystems one, but the account never gets automatically enabled then -- error log says the Paystems plugin is not enabled. As an alternative, is it still possible somehow to use the old Revecom plugin by renaming it and making other changes? thanks Bill
Meant to add that the errror message above occurs after the post back from Paysystems when the payment is approved. Several related questions. Does anybody have a good affiliate solution that works seamlessly with Amember, tracks recurring billing automatically, and works with multiple payment processors enabled at the same time including at least Paypal and Paysystems? Does anybody have Ultimate Affiliate working in such a scenario? Has anybody been able to get Fusionquest working in such a scenario? Can anybody give me a price quote to get Fusionquest working this way -- essential a Fusionquest plugin? thanks Bill
You can use old plugin without any problems. In Paysystems MCC, set ORP postback URL to be pointing to "revecom", not to "paysystems" plugin ipn.php script.