Getting ripped off - my story

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by hhubbers01, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. hhubbers01

    hhubbers01 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 22, 2012
    Please read my story and tell me if you think that I am being unfair.

    Here is the time-line...

    Wed 18 Sep - Email from Support at aMember

    "Thanks for the payment, please provide admin access to amember and ftp info, we will start work on the mod."

    Wed 18 Sep (the same day) - aMember 4.3.0 is available for download including the customization that I had paid for.

    The original email from aMember support stated "it will be completed within next two days"

    This is not fair.

    I made a payment for a "mod" and the same day my "mod" is added to aMember as an upgrade download.

    It sounds like that Support at aMember was already working on this, or had already completed this "mod".

    I feel mislead and ripped off by the fact you told me that it would cost $50.00 for this mod. No other aMember user has had to pay this. They got the mod for free, as part of the upgrade - the same day I paid $50.00 for it.

    All I am asking for is either a refund my $50.00, or a credit on my aMember account.

    What do you think?

    Best regards,
  2. hhubbers01

    hhubbers01 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 22, 2012
    PS. I really like the aMember software. It is the best I have ever seen and works really well.
  3. hhubbers01

    hhubbers01 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 22, 2012
    Everything is now good... (this is the part where I start eating my hat)

    It appears that at the exact time as the new release for aMember came out, my mod was finished.

    And my email wasn't working - so I never knew that it was finished.

    My sincerest apologies about "jumping the gun".

    The guys at aMember do a fantastic job.

    Best regards, Hugh
  4. dansomers

    dansomers New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    I've got about 6 licences scattered all over the place and every one of them, Alex has helped me out with the odd bug etc.

    Hands down a great tool
  5. hhubbers01

    hhubbers01 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 22, 2012
    Yes I agreed too... aMember is the best.

    It's just that I couldn't work out how to delete this thread !!!

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