Hi all, I'm trying to setup goal tracking in google analytics. Here's what I have in the goal tracking right now: Goal URL: MYSITE/amember/thanks.php Step 1: amember/signup.php?price_group= (Order Page) Step 2: amember/signup.php (Payment Page) I'm using "Head Match" as the match type. Are these the correct settings? Am I missing any steps? Is there some code I can put in my templates to track that way instead? I was thinking this may be more appropriate, but I'm not sure where to put the code: Thanks for your help!
I put the urchin tracker in the header and footer of all of my pages: PHP: <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "##-#####-#"; urchinTracker(); </script> and just embed the purchase details in the thanks html like this: PHP: <body onLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans()"> <form style="display:none;" name="utmform"> <textarea id="utmtrans"> UTM:T|{$payment.payment_id}|{$member.data.referral}|{$total|string_format:"%.2f"}|0||{$member.city}|{$member.state}|{$member.country} {foreach from=$products item=p} UTM:I|{$payment.payment_id}||{$p.title}||{$p.price}|1 </textarea> {/foreach} </form> This way I have metrics of the entire site to base my workflow changes on.. For example, I assume you have a sales landing page that is a starting point that eventually leads folks to your signup page? If you just embed the tracker in your Amember files you will lose visibility to the rest of your site.
Thanks Skippybosco. I aleady have added the urchin code to my footer templates and the checkout code to thanks.php (thanks to your other post on this subject...) However, I still need to setup "Goal Tracking", so I can track my sales process and optimize. I think I have the URLs right (my first post), but I'm not sure yet. Can anyone confirm the setup of the goal tracking? (and the template placement of urchinTracker("/funnel_G1/step1/2/3.html")) Thanks! Erik
*Bump* Any ideas on this? What URL to put into the Goal tracking for Google Analytics? It's a bit confusing because the code is in one file: amember/templates/thanks.html Which is called by another file amember/thanks.php But the user sees a different URL (in their browser) for a CC signup: amember/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc.php?action=mfp&payment_id=###&member_id=###&v=SOMESTRING Keep in mind I'd like to track conversions for both paypal_r & authorize_aim. What's the best way to do this?
Unfortunately, in your case there are 2 different URLs, I'm not sure if Google has any solution for this.