Hello, I just would like to know If I need to copy/paste my Google Analytics code in the template header of Amember or just need to enter the Google Analytics ID account in Admin panel ? Thanks
But there is Google Account ID and there is tracking ID. Which one do you enter? Every product sold (every sales page) has a different Google Analytics profile, and therefore a different tracking ID (starts with UA). But amember asks for Google Account ID, whcih is different. Help?
The ID you should be using is the one in this format: UA-1234567-1 You should have one id per website and use the unique page names to track performance of that page.
Actually, that's not the answer I was looking for, because the shopping cart is on a different domain and managed by amember. The optin pages and sales pages are often on different domains -- such as landing pages for tracking. I found the answer here: http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?answer=55532&topic=10982