I am very intrested in buying amember but I use Google Checkout and I have UK Goolge Account which only supports GBP. I'm sure Google DOESN'T support EUR, its only USD and GBP. Can you tell me when will the plugin be able to start supporting GBP? Thanks
You can add it. As I understand from their documentation google can work with any now. Edit google_checkout.inc.php and change this: function get_plugin_features(){ return array( 'title' => $config['payment']['google_checkout']['title'] ? $config['payment']['google_checkout']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['google_checkout']['description'] ? $config['payment']['google_checkout']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_DESC, 'currency' => array('usd' => 'USD', 'eur' => 'EUR'), 'phone' => 2, 'code' => 1, 'name' => 2 ); to function get_plugin_features(){ return array( 'title' => $config['payment']['google_checkout']['title'] ? $config['payment']['google_checkout']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['google_checkout']['description'] ? $config['payment']['google_checkout']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_DESC, 'currency' => array('usd' => 'USD', 'eur' => 'EUR','gbp'=>'GBP'), 'phone' => 2, 'code' => 1, 'name' => 2 );
thanks for that..Seems to be working OK now...still testing.... in my google account I see that they say it needs to be secured? https? is that a necesity? or will it work without that? thanks
OK.. got it runing...made a payment..but user does not get subscription updated... I'm sure Ive done everything right.... In the error debig log I see: 10/12/2007 14:59:24 /amember/plugins/payment/google_checkout/ResponseHandler.php Google Checkout: New Order Notification #534673161896494 thats it...! what now?
Thanks for the response...much appreciated.. i have created a ticket.. Ticket ID: IWX-99893-328 Thanks
Hey Alexander, does this mean that the Google Checkout plugin has now been edited to support GBP? How are you getting on with it shahg12? Working okay?