I do have some very long running subscriptions already - 3 years at max.. Whenever a client changes his profile and changes the credit card or even only needs to update the expiry date , then paypal cancels the subscriptions and we have to re-setup that. How does aMember pro handle that process? My goal would be to mail the client 2-3 times explaining him that the subscription was cancelled BECAUSE he changed the CC and he needs to re-signup 60-70% of the clients are not aware of that fact That way I'd automate the re-signup process Alex, does that work? if not, what would you estimate as customization cost?
I'm not sure if this information comes with PayPal IPN post regarding cancellation. Could you please contact us via helpdesk, and provide a log record from aMember CP -> Error Log related with such subscription (hint: search by subscription id, copy&paste and email us everything found).
Alex, I just did that test - cancelled subscription - amember noticed the cancel, got all IPN data - NO mails sent out, altough configured Send Cancel Notifications to User: YES Send Cancel Notifications to Admin: YES getting ahold of these cancels and follow them up with at LEAST 1 mail (that I could feed into an autoresponder system in worst case) is REALLY important! please advise what's wrong -you got the login data in the helpdesk request
These e-mails are for "cc_core" payment plugins only (for those that store credit card info in aMember, and aMember internally hanldes subscription cancels and rebills).