Help Needed - integrating Incremental Plugin Without Wordpress

Discussion in 'Integration' started by rsharma, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. rsharma

    rsharma New Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    Hi there,

    Could someone please help me with Incremental plugin:

    Project Desc.: User should be able to access Lessons incrementaly on a weekly basis i.e. In Week 1 - user have access to Lesson1, In week 2 - user have access to Lesson 1 & Lesson 2, and so on....Some lessons will be available based on the payment made.

    Ques 1: Can Incremental plugin be used without wordpress (as I am not using wordpress on my site)

    Ques 2: Where can I get details on how "Incremental plugin " works, what features does this offers, and how to integrate it with Amember.

    Ques 3: Could a programmar help me in integrating functionality with or without "Integration plugin".

    If you are a freelancer and have sorted this issue before, please contact me asap to help me with this project with a project fee estimate.

  2. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @rsharma: what software are you using to deliver your lessons?
  3. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Yes- it was not originally built for wordpress- but to protect normal content directories- its since been adapted it to work with wordpress.

    Heres a demo of it:

  4. rsharma

    rsharma New Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    Hi there,

    @skippybosco - I am not using any special software such as moodle. It is a set of simple Amember files with other php files.

    @David - do you know if my content directories be safe if I still go ahead and use "Incremental plugin". Thanks for your video suggestion. To watch the next video how one can integrate the plugin, I have to buy the plugin first :).

    Is there a manual or a detailed description about the features/functions of 'Incremental plugin", or is there someone who has already worked with this plugin with whom I can discuss the requirements such that I can make a decision to buy this plugin.

    The best would be if someone take this as a project and could help me integrate it.


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