HELP! Resend email Verification Link

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by slinky, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    In addition - is there a way to have a user generate a new verification link? I cannot seem to find a way for the user or even the administrator to do this.
  2. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    I'm wondering if anyone has been able to find a way to resend the email verification link. I'm finding numerous users not bothering to finish the registration process claiming that the verification email doesn't arrive. We're talking about greater than 50% and virtually every system I know has a "resend verification email" link. Unfortunately I don't see any link that generates the email verification and, without it, I see no way of being able to use the system effectively for the moment except to turn off email verification, which is spam suicide.

    I'm hoping either I've missed something or someone might have a solution for this problem.
  3. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006

    My first question would be why 50% of your users are not getting the initial verification link. Is it landing in their "Junk Mail" folder, etc. If so, wouldn't a resend just land in the same place?

    If this is the case, perhaps improving your messaging on the web page to indicate they should check their "Junk Mail" folder if they don't receive the verification (or investigate/resolve why it is landing there by switching to a guaranteed mail delivery service or other more trusted SMTP?

    If this is not the case (they are not landing in the "Junk Mail" folder, than this is a more serious issue (and again, resending won't necessarily fix) as to where the mails are going or why they are not being sent/delivered correctly. Again, investigating your mail sending environment and potentially switching to a more reliable mail SMTP.

    That being said, you can find the resend verification at -> Browse to user -> Action -> Resend Verification Email (

    Do consider, however, that email verification or not is not any deterrent for SPAM. Given the automation of creating email accounts, etc. Nor is the default implementation of Captcha. Don't get me wrong, they help, but do not prevent.

    The best protection I've seen is a niche specific set of question/answer sets for human verification (ie. not what is 1+1, but rather "how many wheels does a car have"). This is not currently a feature of aMember, but should be :)
  4. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Apparently it's not 50% - it's more like 25% after looking at the numbers. AM is a bit awkward in reporting. I do know that one person insists that they didn't receive the link either in email or spam. Every check I have done on 4 different mail systems worked fine. I can't tell you.

    With regard to spam, captcha and verification are definitely deterrents although I would prefer the question. I would say that at least 1 in 10 puts in a fake email address hoping to spam my site. It's relatively well ranked and it's gotten to the point where I'm considering banning 2 entire country IPs.

    The "resend verification link" is absolutely a necessity. I think every registration system I've seen that has verification links has such built in. I'm hoping the guys will put this into the software. In the meanwhile I'm trying to keep live support up and running as much as I can.
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Please have a look aMember CP -> Edit User -> Actions -> Re-Send Mail Verification Email
  6. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Thank you! I also just got the support email. If I may suggest, it would be a good idea for this link to also appear in the page after registration so that a user can trigger this link. Many of them will never go back to support after waiting and not receiving the link.

    For those curious about whether it's worth this app, I will say that these guys do support it. :) Sometimes it is just very hard to find the features as they aren't laid out in a very logical order at times. But once you learn how it works, it does work.
  7. mamaita

    mamaita New Member

    Mar 13, 2007
    I don't have that option under Actions....

    When users that haven't confirmed their mail login, they don't get the link on the amember sign up page either, there's a text saying that they can request it again, but the link is not there...
  8. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @mamaita: what version of aMember are you using?
  9. sunseapromos

    sunseapromos Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    What Is The Current Way to Resend Verification?


    All these replies are old and past versions of the script and none of the navigation instructions are viable.

    How do we resend a Verification email to a single person with vers. 3.2.3 now?

    Thank you,
    Claudia Beck
  10. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    The same way:
    aMember CP -> Browse Users -> Edit User -> Actions -> Re-Send Mail Verification Email
  11. sunseapromos

    sunseapromos Member

    Apr 26, 2010

    I could not find the Action link yesterday, but now I see it at the top.

    Thank you! :)

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