Help With Members Area

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by dcjones, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. dcjones

    dcjones Guest

    Hi all.

    I have installed and setup the scripts with no problems.

    My site has a non-members and members area. If a user logs into the members are they have the option of purchasing items on-line.

    If they purchase an item online they are directed to ClickBank, they perform the required credit card input,
    ClickBank then redirects them to the thankyou.htm page.

    My problem is when this process takes place the web sever is asking the user for the login and password to the members area. I can understand why this is happening, but is there a way that the user is redirected from ClickBank back to the members area without the web server asking for login details.

    If anyone can help with this you would make my day.

    Keep safe and well.


  2. pilot

    pilot New Member

    May 24, 2003
    Do you mean the grey log in and password screen that the server produces?

    If so and you are using Amemberpro you can avoid this screen by a choice in admin advanced that will send the password and user name with the login. This can be seen in the command line of the browser so AmemberPro has devised a way of encrypting the password and username to make it unreadable. This is called .htpassword_secure also in admin. Just active this and its done - No ugly grey log in box and its secure.

    There is a link here to help

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