I'm a bit confused by the "sticky" topic, so I'm separating this. Sorry if it's answered there. On my free sign-up page, the "Select a Payment Sytem" row doesn't appear, but the "Payment System" row still appears. How do I hide that? I'm talking about this row: Code: <tr> <th><b>Payment System</b></th> <td> {foreach from=$paysystems item=p} <b>{$p.title}</b> - {$p.description}<br> <input type=hidden name=paysys_id value="{$p.paysys_id|escape}"> {/foreach} </td> </tr> Thanks!
If you are using recent version of aMemer, you may call signup page with the following URL: http://yoursite.com/amember/signup.php?hide_paysys=free this will hide payment system select, and choose "free" payment system