Hide product from members with similar product

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by janea, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. janea

    janea aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 13, 2009
    Hi, we are launching a new 1 year product at a different price point than a current product. We don't want the current members of the higher priced product to see the new one at a lower price while we test for new members or recurring month-to-month members. How would we hide this product from current yearly subscribers?

    Thanks for your help,
    Jim Leeth
    Dramanotebook Webmaster
    e: webmaster@dramanotebook.com
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Set negative price_group for this product, for example -1
    It will be hidden on default renew/signup form and will be available through special link:
  3. janea

    janea aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 13, 2009
    So if I set it up as price_group -1, how do I display it to new signup's only?

    If a monthly membership or new non-member navigates to the signup page I want the program to see if they already have an existing membership:
    • If yes, then is that membership a yearly membership product?
      • If no, display the new yearly membership product and the monthly membership product.
      • If yes, display the old yearly membership product and the monthly membership product.
    • If no, then display the new yearly membership product and the monthly membership product.
    Or can aMember do that? Or am I going to need to point new memberships to another page first that would determine this?

    On another note, I have heard there is an A/B testing ability (a separate application or plugin I am guessing), that I have not researched yet, that can randomly point folks to two different signup pages and then once they have chosen one of those signup pages, they are never able to see the other signup page unless they cancel their membership and try signing up again I think.

  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    if you want to show memberships such way you first should authenticate users and show signup page only for logged in users. This can be done but require customization. Without authentication the is no way to know what subscriptions user have.

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