I know you can show data to members with a subscription to certain products, I need a way somehow to not show something to a member if they have a certain product? For example; I have something I need to show to members of product 1,2,3 and hide from members with product 13. My members of product 13 also have a subscription to product 1.
I do use something like this in a php page <?php session_start(); if($_SESSION[_amember_user][data][status][19]){ include "admin.php"; }else if($_SESSION[_amember_user][data][status][13]){ include "featured_girl.php"; }else if($_SESSION[_amember_user][data][status][1] || $_SESSION[_amember_user][data][status][2] || $_SESSION[_amember_user][data][status][3] ){ include "user.php"; } ?> Would something similar but without the includes work on a template?
may be it is solution try {if $smarty.session.amember_user.data.status.19 eq "1" } he has access for product #19 {/if}