any way for a customer to update/change their credit card info? customers can't find it anywhere... Thanks
Sure user can do this. Update CC info link will be displayed in member's area only if user have active recurring subscription.
Update CC Info Link I see where the update CC link is but it's connected dynamically to the affiliate commissions links, etc. I need to create a link just to that "Update CC Info" in the profile.html page so they can update their CC info from their account page. Is this possible without inputting the rest of those links? I've tried just putting in {foreach from=$member_links item=t key=u} <div align=center><a href="{$u|escape}">{$t}</a></div> {/foreach} but that doesn't seem to even work on the profile.html page template page. Thanks
I need more info on this link too. Like why when my members' card information changes and the CC transaction is declined they cannot get in and input their new CC info.
A little bird told me how do do this: edit /amember/plugins/payment/cc_core/ and change this: function clean_cc_info($member){ global $db; to function clean_cc_info($member){ global $db; return; So just add "return;" to that portion of the code.