I'd like to enable email verification on my site, however, it takes place before payment, and I'm sure this will decrease sales. The best solution would be to move the verification step to AFTER payment processing, but BEFORE access is granted to the members area. How can this be done?
If every new member was a paid member, then yes, that would be verification enough. However, I offer both free and paid memberships, and I want to make sure I can email the free members. Having email verification before payment would frustrate my paying members, yet not having verification allows free members to get in without following the rules. Making the change I suggest (moving verification to after payment but before granting access) would provide a reasonable balance for these 2 purposes. And yes, I know aMember doesn't do this out of the box. I'm hoping that someone knows how to modify the code to make this happen.
Well I guess it could be done as a customization of sorts, just changing the order in which things are delivered/processed in aMember, since all the tools are in there already...