Hello. Record filled with Query and shown to the client in a table. With the filter, it can filter the records in the table. Code: class My_GridController extends Am_Controller { function indexAction() { $grid = new Am_My_Grid_Member($this->_request, $this->view); $grid->runWithLayout('layout.phtml'); } } Necessary for the customer to save the filtered records in the file. How can this be done? Thank you.
You should add export action to your grid: PHP: $grid = new Am_My_Grid_Member($this->_request, $this->view); $action = new Am_Grid_Action_Export(); $action->addField(new Am_Grid_Field('fieldname1', ___('Field Title1'))) ->addField(new Am_Grid_Field('fieldname2', ___('Field Title2'))); $grid->actionAdd($action);
Hello Alexander. Thank you. But actionAdd available on class Am_Grid_Editable. I do not need to edit, delete, or adds a record with her. Is there any way to remove action "New Record" and a column with the elements remove / edit records?
Am_Grid_Editable has method public function initActions() which add above actions. You just need to override it.