Hello, How do I allow search engines to index my protected content? Please be as detailed as possible Thank you
There is no ready to use solution which allow to do this. By default amember blocks access for all non-authorized visitors, but exceptions are possible. Exact instructions depends on exact situation(protection methods, file types, etc..) Also I just don;t recommend to do this, Google stores search results in cache, so anyone will be able to access it from google cache later.
OK How do I set it up so that it is similar to this forum? Where people can view the content, it gets indexed, but to interact, people have to sign up for a membership? Thank you
Where do you store your content, do you use any third-party script/forum for this? We use xenforo as an engine for this forum. Registration is disabled, users have to signup through amember in order to post.
Yes, I have xenforo also, but at the moment people can't see the content until they sign up. How can I make it so that people can view the content, but can't post until they sign up? I want a similar set up to yours. Thank you
Do you have your xenforo installation folder protected? If so un-protect it and configure permissions in xenforo itselfs depends on groups. Then assign xenforo groups to amember products in amember CP -> protect Content -> Integrations.
Not true if... between <head> tags place <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> Google and other search engines won't cache.