How Do I Avoid The Double opt-in for Aweber?

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by tharyn13, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. tharyn13

    tharyn13 New Member

    Apr 8, 2013

    Bit of a dilemma with managing email lists here, if someone could give me advice.

    I have a lead magnet that captures leads and puts them into Aweber.
    When leads purchase/sign up for my course through amember, they have converted and I do not want them on my Aweber Leads list anymore.
    Aweber list movement rules would solve this problem, however, to subscribe a customer from Amember to a list inside Aweber via API requires the customer to opt-in via email again.

    This is a huge problem, because not all customers will opt in, therefore they will still be on my leads list. Then my lists are not accurate.

    How do other people properly manage their lists with 3rd parties and Amember?

    Thanks for any tips.

  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    The MailChimp integration allows you to turn off the Double Opt-in requirement.
  3. tharyn13

    tharyn13 New Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    How is it possible that two of the biggest services for email automation and membership software do not work well together? I would not have purchased amember if I realized that double opt in customers would be a problem. Are there any creative ways to get around this problem? Thanks!
  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    The double opt in requirement is based on the email service's API and terms of service. It is aMember's goal to offer email integration that does not require this but in the case of aWeber it is not possible. Some email service providers (such as MailChimp) are less strict with this issue and allow aMember to develop a plugin that doesn't require double opt in.
  5. jeffvision

    jeffvision New Member

    Jan 22, 2011
    I'd to do the same. I don't my new members on the marketing list once they've signed up.

    My understanding is that with aweber you set a rule where if a subscriber list A signs up to a new list B, he will be automatically unsubscribed from list A.

    And you can turn off the "confirm opt-in" requirement for list B.

    The trick is getting them to fill in their email on a form for List B.

    Is there a way to either:

    1. Put form for list B on the amember thank you page? (Where is that page?)


    2. Is it possible to insert a page with a form for list B before the amember kthank you page?

    Alternatively, you could have a link to that form for list B in the amember autoresponder email 0 or 1.

    Either way, you need a reason for making the subscriber fill in his/her email again.

    Any thoughts or suggestions as to how to edit the thank you page in amember. (Probably depends on the payment system).


  6. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    You can put aweber before the amember signup for.
    So that after they enter their email/name in the aweber form, it then takes them to the amember signup page and their email, name will get filled in.
    If thats all you need- you could have it autosubmitted then, or they can add info on the signup form.

  7. mhalper2000

    mhalper2000 aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 16, 2012
    Is Mail Chimp the only option with an out of the box plugin that allows you to operate with no opt-in, aside from getting crafty with the Aweber sign up page placement?
  8. robw

    robw CGI-Central Partner

    Dec 18, 2007
    You can also use a service like AWtomator to handle the moves invisibly.


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