Hello, I have a free 30 days trial for a product which is different every motnh. So, I have some people who are canceling their subscription at the end of the 30 days trial, wait 5 or 6 days and they re subcribe again to have access to the next month FREE again with the 30 days trial. How do I prevent people from canceling and resubscribing so they can't steal my content every month (so they can't have more than ONE 30 days free trial)? Please help. Thanks!
Make this product available at signup page only and enable email verification. Also what payment system you use?
the product is a "Hidden Bonus" with 30 days Free TRial, So they can see it only when they are logged in into the members area and they usst go to Add/renew subscriptions to get it. they subscribe Through Paypal. the problem is that some people, when they are almost getting to the 30 days, they cancel, wait a couple of days and they re-subscribe again. I dont know what to do. Is the "Unique email" option the solution for this? I mean, when they resubcribe, their email wont show as they are members because they unsuscribed a couple of days ago. Please advice. thanks.
For paypal you can also enable aMember CP -> Setup -> Paypal -> Set user E-Mail to paypal payer e-mail Then disable email change in profile and use email verification. Also use aMember CP -> manage products -> Edit Product -> Disallow subscription to this product if the following conditions meet and user has to hide product if user already have it.
Is "EXPIRED" the same as "CANCELED"? I mean, If I set up "Disallow subscription to this product if member has EXPIRED suscription" will prevent him to re-sign up if he firsst cancelled his suscription? Thanks.
If the account has been canceled- it will expire when the payment period ends. He is still active on the account until its expired- so you need to set the product settings accordingly. David