I have a quick question. Once I purchase the license, how many installations are allowed? I may need to install on more than one website and I want to make sure I don't screw up on this licensing issue.
Licensing is done on a per domain basis. In theory you could have unlimited installations across that domain. Example: 1) Sub directories on the domain such as yourdomain.com/amember1 & yourdomain.com/amember2 2) Subdomains amember1.yourdomain.com & amember2.yourdomain.com In addition you get a localhost license which allows you to test on a development server. If you need to run aMember on an additional domain (ie. yourdomain1.com & yourdomain2.com) you will need an additional license.
This sort of answers a question I was about to ask... Here's the scenario I would like to explore for my sites: I want to install the script on one central domain to control sign ups for a variety of my websites. I would rather NOT have separate installations on the central domain for each website as I want to collect information in one database. I'm thinking of setting up each of my domains as 'products' and although they will reside on one central domain I am wondering if I can style each sign up page (product) differently so that the forms' design and feel will match each website?
Sure, while not out of the box functionality, you can certainly do some coding trickery in the template to change the style used based on the referrer.
This is possible with one installation if you will disable require unique email. In regards to protection for wordpress and regular php site, possible as well, but depends on exact setup.