Hi, I need to add some more instructions to a custom plugins configuration page like that shown in the paypal plugin config page but I can't seem to get it to work with a extends Am_Plugin class in my custom plugin. I tried adding a public function of getReadme() to the plugin but I can see that Am_Plugin has an empty readme. is there a way for me to add to below the plugin page. I tried the example in the wiki but that results in a page load of text saying SAMPLE PLUGIN WORKING! =
If you use onSetupForms hook in your plugin, add this to the bottom of the hook: PHP: if ($plugin_readme = $this->getReadme()) { $plugin_readme = str_replace( array('%root_url%', '%root_surl%', '%root_dir%'), array(ROOT_URL, ROOT_SURL, ROOT_DIR), $plugin_readme); $form->addEpilog('<div class="info"><pre>' . $plugin_readme . '</pre></div>'); }$event->addForm($form); Then define getReadme function.