For example, if you have enabled Moneybookers and 2Checkout plugin for payment, system will display 2Checkout as first option and Moneybookers as second... How to change this?
I asked this questions a while ago, as I'm also interested in changing the order of payment options. Never got a response.
This is very important option if you have multiple payment processors. I hope amember support will write something about this issue.
The signup.php page pulls the list using the get_paysystems_list(). While it would be a bit tricky to specifically hard code the order, you can edit it to sort one way or the other.
Currently this can be done only if you will hardcode paysystems select in signup page. Need to replace this block in signup.html template: Code: {foreach from=$paysystems item=p}. {if count($paysystems)>1} <input type="radio" id="paysys_id{$p.paysys_id}" name="paysys_id" value="{$p.paysys_id|escape}" {if $p.paysys_id eq $smarty.request.paysys_id }checked{/if} /> {else}............ <input type="hidden" id="paysys_id{$p.paysys_id}" name="paysys_id" value="{$p.paysys_id|escape}" /> {/if}<label for="paysys_id{$p.paysys_id}"><b>{$p.title}</b> <span class="small">{$p.description}</span></label><br /><br /> {/foreach}