I have just purchased amember 4 and I want to have a modified paypal form so it can have some extra hidden fields to allow me to set a custom return url for a given product. I have tried editing the existing paypal.php in /plugins/payment/ but I can't see where the button is added to the admin page under /admin-setup/ can you tell me how to add a configuration page in a new payment plugin?
Thanks Alex, I saw that bit but I can't get a new but I can't get a new button to appear at the top of the admin page where the paypal button and all the other buttons are. I've used the paypal.php file as a base and named it paypal-ttmm.php and then renamed the class at the beginning to Code: class Am_Paysystem_Paypal_ttmm extends Am_Paysystem_Abstract I can select the new paypal-ttmm in the drop down for adding new plugins but I do not get a new button in the admin page to select the config page. is there an example plugin code I can refer to or other documentation?
it's ok, I figured it out. I had to name the class as Am_Paysystem_Paypalttmm for it to show the button.