When I send out mass emails to my members I always have a few that email me back saying that they have accidentally hit the unsubscribe link. Is there a way for my programmer to delete that from all messages that go out from now? Thanks! Mike
Mike, do you want to be in spam-senders list? If you do not want, I don't recommedn to delete unsubscribe link! If you want to do that anyway, edit file templates/unsubscribe_link.inc.html and replace all its content to several spaces.
Good Point Good advice. I deleted the lines- probably should have saved them in a separate file so I could add them back (tried to comment out, but couldn't). Can you please post the code that generates the unsubscribe message? Also, is there a way to check to see who has unsubscribed?
Code? Alex, or anyone- can you post that code so I can put it back in my script? I erased it without storing it somewhere! Thanks
PHP: {if $is_html}<br><font color=gray>To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please clickthe following <a href="{$link}">link</a>.</font><br>{else}{* Text message *}-------------------------------------------------------------------To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please clickthe following link: {$link}-------------------------------------------------------------------{/if}
"accidentally hit the unsubscribe link" Bullshit, I have newer known someone who 'accidentally' hit the small link in the bottum of a email, that clearly discribes what happens when it's hit. Maybe if you have a costumer list of +200K that can happen. I would guess that your mentality towards your customer, will destroy your change to be big in Biz. I myself, are doing biz in the adult entertainment industry, and I am only doing good because I treat my customer with respect and give them what they expect.
It is all correct, but we've added additional unsubscibe confirmation. User must click "Yes/No" after clicking the link.