I would like to set up members whereby when they log in then go DIRECTLY to a protected page. Using the demo, I have not figured out a way to do this and I'm note sure if this product can do it. When I log in as a member, I get directed to a members page. That's not good. It's a confusing step I want to avoid. Can I do this with amember? If so, how?? thanks.
Just link to amember/login.php instead of amember/member.php Then if it is clear where to redirect (user has only one active subscription), user will be redirected right to protected page. Else user will be redirected to member.php where he can choose a link to go, or renew subscription if expired. I hope that is logical behaviour.
Where would I need to change /member.php to /login.php So where would I need to change /member.php to /login.php to achieve this? In aMember or the HTMl templates? Thanks.
Where do you have links to member.php? In aMember, you should edit amember/templates/thanks.html and amember/templates/index.html