Hi.. is it possible to display in ordered product list, also subscriptions payed offline as "pending"? Otherwise it is a bit confusing for customers... thanks Mario
You can change the order in /manage products/ sort If they are paid- they should no longer be pending. David
Hi, Sorry, some things are difficult sometimes to explain for non native english speakers what I meant, are products (subscriptions) order using Offline payment and are set as "pending" until the money arrive to our bank account and we set the product as PAID.. While the product is "Pending", we'd like to see those products in the member page are as well. Hope you understand now what I mean... thanks Mario
Yep, I got it- aMember isnt set to do this so you would need some customization of the code. I havent played with this code but it looks like its something that needs to be changed around line 322 of member.php $member_active = $member_paid = 0; If you ask amember tech support they can probably make the change quickly for you- ask them what they did so you can post it here David