Hi, I am using amember for all my signup process and I just added a new product: A software, and I need somehow to generate the licenses when a person pays the suscription inside amember. Is there a plugin or something? an API? I dont know. The idea is that when people pay and their subscription becomes ACTIVE, they will be redirected to a page where they can download the product and they must receive a unique license. Please give me ideas on how to do this. Thanks!
It is relatively easy to do if you have PHP skills. Create file amember/site.inc.php and put inside a hook for finish_waiting_payment event as described at http://manual.amember.com/Using_site.inc.php_and_hooks#finish_waiting_payment.28.24payment_id.29 Once you retreived information about payment, you can generate licenses, save it back to database and e-mail.
I think Ken Gary has developed a plugin for this as he uses this for some of his plugins. Kencinnus David
There is not a demo video up for it yet, but specially amSerialNumbers sounds like what you are after: http://plugins.kencinnus.com/plugin/amserialnumbers/