In the member.php, the payment history currently displays ALL payments on account. I would like to limit this list to 3 entries. Anyone know how to adjust the php code to display a limited amount of payment history entries? (please be specific, as I'm not a coder) Thanks!
Hello, Find the following in amember/templates/member.html: PHP: {foreach from=$payments item=p} . . . {/foreach} change to the following: PHP: {foreach from=$payments item=p name=payment_loop} . . . {if $smarty.foreach.payment_loop.iteration == 3} {php}break;{/php} {/if} {/foreach} Please be sure to backup member.html before making any changes. Jimmy
Worked perfectly. Thank you! One last question - is it possible to limit payment history by date of payment completed? For example, showing only payments within the last 90 days?