Hi: Is there any programmatical way to mark a user as 'Paid'? For example, if I can get 'user name', 'e-mail address', and 'product#' via POST into a PHP script. How can I code it so that the script can make aMember recognize that 'user name' with 'e-mail address' has paid for 'product#'. Please advise and thank you! Regards, Edward
Yes, it is easy enough to do. You should call: PHP: require_once 'amember/config.inc.php';$member_id = $db->add_waiting_user(...); // see call example in amember/signup.php$pr = get_product(111);$payment = array('member_id' = $member_id,'product_id' => $product->config['product_id'],'completed' => 1,'begin_date' => $d = date('Y-m-d'),'expire_date' => $product->get_expire($d),);$db->add_payment($payment);
Did not show up in Payment History or Payment Report Dear Alex: I did what you described and basically it worked expect that the record did not show up in "Payments for last 7 days" in CP. How to correct this problem? Please advise. Thank you! Best regards, Edward
Alex: I noticed that the start date was a date in the future and was able to resolve the issue. Thank you! Regards, Edward