how to retrieve additional fields on the edit product page?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by customcodegeek, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. customcodegeek

    customcodegeek Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    I have added an additional field to the admin edit product page with this code in my custom plugin

    // this method will be called in the product edit page
        function onProductForm(Am_Event $event){
            $form = $event->getForm();
            $form->addElement('text', 'ab_return_url', array('size' => 60, 'class'=>'translate'))
                    ->setLabel(___("Paypal Return URL\n" .
                    "This is the url the thanks page will redirect to after payment\n" .
                    "You can use this for one time offers"));
    and it adds it to the 'Additional' field set but the value is not saving.

    would you tell me what code I would need to use to add the field and it keeps its value when saved and also what code I can use to retrieve that value on the onThanksPage event?
  2. customcodegeek

    customcodegeek Member

    Feb 10, 2012

    Ok I realized that it's not saving because there isn't a field available on the am_billing_plans table where everything else gets saved.

    I am instead going to use a custom brick so I can add the redirect url to the signup form for a product.
    the brick is added and it can be configured ok and the data gets saved.

    I am using this code

    class Am_Form_Brick_redirectUrl extends Am_Form_Brick
        protected $hideIfLoggedInPossible = self::HIDE_DONT;
        public function __construct($id = null, $config = null)
            $this->name = ___('Thanks Redirect URL (Hidden)');
            parent::__construct($id, $config);
        public function initConfigForm(Am_Form $form)
            $form->addText('redirect_url')->setLabel(___('Redirect URL'));
        public function insertBrick(HTML_QuickForm2_Container $form)
    Will this data be available in the onThanksPage event?

    ie. Can the signup form that was used for the purchase be retrieved so I can setRedirect to use the URL that was saved to the custom brick?

    // this method will be called before rendering "thanks" page
        function onThanksPage(Am_Event $event)
            $controller = $event->getController(); // ThanksController instance
            $invoice = $event->getInvoice(); // Invoice instance OR NULL (!)
            if (!$invoice) return;
             // get signup form here
             // get value saved in redirect_url
             $savedredirecturl = (how to get it?)
  3. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    No it will not be available.
    Here is what you need to do:
    1. Set handlers for both Am_Event::SIGNUP_USER_UPDATED and Am_Event::SIGNUP_USER_ADDED events.
    Both will receive three parameters: $vars, $user, $form
    2. get redirect url from form and store it in session.
    3. on tahnks page extract it from session and use as you need.
  4. customcodegeek

    customcodegeek Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    ah of course I can use the $_SESSION global to store that because both the form and the payment would always be in the same session. I was over thinking it. thanks Alexander
  5. customcodegeek

    customcodegeek Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    sorry Alexander but I'm having trouble with getting the parameters . I keep getting a 'cannot access protected property' with this code in my custom amember plugin
    function onSignupUserUpdated (Am_Event $event){
            $vars = $event->vars;
    can you give me the code to access the $vars ?
  6. customcodegeek

    customcodegeek Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    sorry Alexander, I found it.

    $vars = $event->getvars();
    I'm just getting used to the new classes but I'm getting there!

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