How to setup Membership Levels with Commissions per level?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by trafficbrowser, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. trafficbrowser

    trafficbrowser Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    I am trying to setup 4 levels of membership. That Pay at different levels of Commission

    Free - 5%
    Basic -10%
    Extended - 20%
    Lifetime - 25%

    What my end goal is that, if a free user refers someone who buys a life time membership the free member will only Earn 5%.

    If a Basic user (someone who has bought the basic package) Refers someone who buys an extended package the Basic User should only get 10%.

    Is there any way to do this.. I have already tried custom commissions by product ID and Product Group without success.. Am I missing something.. All levels are setup as products. Just trying to make sure I have not missed anything.

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    You should use Affiliate groups as well.
    1. Create separate user group for each product (you could do this from aMember CP -> Edit User -> Edit Groups)
    2. Put each product to separate signup form.
    3. Edit each signup form and add "Assign user to a group" brick, so when user purchases any product he will be assigned to curesponding affiliate group.
    Then in commission rules configuration use groups as well. You should select two conditions: By product and By user group.
  3. trafficbrowser

    trafficbrowser Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    Ok I think I got a bit further.

    Now I assume you have to use the new urls for each product.

    I have a test account that's a free user, He should be able to update to the basic service but when I surf to the new url, I am greeted with "You are logged-in as demo3. Logout to signup as new user" and a next button at the bottom of the page.. If I select next then it goes to paypal for processing..

    Since All products are on their own signup form, the free users are marked as default so if they logged out and tried to signup that way, you can only pick the free option.

    Any Ideas?
  4. trafficbrowser

    trafficbrowser Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    Ok, I think I got it figured out. The "Logout to signup as new user"bit threw me for a loop, I will try to edit that out. Some users will actually do it thinking it's a requirement. I will make my own custom form without that little bit.

    I also found out why it was not showing the product.. I had it hidden in Product Configuration. doh!

    Now here is my next question.. What should be default for members on the Forms Editor? Should I make my own custom page and query the database my self to figure out what package they have and create links to the other signup forms or is there an easier way?

    Thanks in advance.

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