How to setup wityh no trial price

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by bennyuk1, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    I just want to have £10 per year subscriptions, without mentioned trail price. I can't seem to work this out.

    I can do it with a first payment at £10 then recurring second payments of £10 but it keeps mentioneding trial prices in the payment invoices from paypal?

    Can it be done without mentioning "Trial Price" every where?
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Unfortunately no.
  3. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    You have to set the 1st price and 2nd price to the same amount and same period.
    Sounds silly, but its the way this version is written.
    Perhaps the next release will remove this requirement?

    You should also test your site with a trial price too.

  4. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    I've set both prices to be the same but the paypal invoices always split them into 2 and mentions it on the invoices, eg

    Automatic payment details

    Automatic payment number: xxx
    Amount to be paid each time: £10.00 GBP
    Billing cycle: Daily
    Payments start: 21 Jan 2012
    Next payment due: 25 Jan 2012
    Next payment amount: £xx.00 GBP
    Pay with money from: Visa/Delta/Electron Card XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-xxxx

    Trial Period

    Trial period amount: £10.00 GBP
    Billing cycle: Daily
    Start date: 20 Jan 2012
    End date: 21 Jan 2012
  5. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    It seems weird that it always comes up mentioning "Trial Price" when initially ordering a new subscription, and on every invoice for further payemnts!

    Can we not put a check within library/Am/Paysystem/PaypalApiRequest.php to do something along the lines of:-

    If (first amount = second amount ) AND (first period = second period)
    then DO NOT calculate TRIAL info for paypal and just send recurring second amounts.

    (TRIAL info calculated around line 93,
    and second amount dates will need to be adjusted to NOT add first period via calculateRebillDate(1) around line 84

    eg around line 84 adjust this line somehow

    $this->addPostParameter('PROFILESTARTDATE', gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.00\Z'
    , strtotime($invoice->calculateRebillDate(1) . date( 'H:i:s', $invoice->getDi()->time))

    and to avoid these settings around line 93
    /// first period
    $this->addPostParameter('TRIALBILLINGPERIOD', $pp);
    $this->addPostParameter('TRIALBILLINGFREQUENCY', $p->getCount());
    $this->addPostParameter('TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES', '1');
    $this->addPostParameter('TRIALAMT', $invoice->second_total); // bill at the end of trial period

    I'm not a coder so I'm sorry I can't provide a solution but am I on the right track and can someone help me acheive this change?
  6. plannerguy

    plannerguy aMember Pro Customer

    Jul 13, 2012
    +1 on this issue. This seems like an important issue
    I don't want to offer any trials and don't want to mention any trials. I offer a 30-day money back guarantee so there's no trial necessary.

    Can we add this to the feature request list? How do we add it?
  7. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003

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