Hi, By default, Amember creates invoices for all products that are sold, including 0 EUR products. I would really like my Amember site to stop creating invoices for products that are free (0 EUR) and stop registering the 'payments' (as there are none) when someone orders a free/0 EUR product. Some background why this is important: All invoices that are generated for customers by my sites, need to be included in the financial administration of my business. This includes 0 EUR invoices. However, my accountant charges 0.98 EUR for every invoice that I submit to my financial administration (it's hosted in the cloud). So effectively, I am losing money when someone 'buys' a free product and I submit the corresponding 0 EUR invoice to my online accountant. Leaving the 0 EUR invoices out of the financial administration is no option either because Dutch tax law dictates that invoices that you store in your financial administation are all numbered in a consecutive way. (e.g. invoice-2011-001, invoice-2011-002, invoice-2011-003, etc). If you would leave the 0 EUR invoices out of the financial administration, you would effectively be skipping invoicenumbers. Unfortunately, this is against the law here in the Netherlands / Holland. Right now, Amember does not treat invoices for free products any different as regular (> 0 EUR) invoices and the invoicenumber is always 'upped' with each free product being 'sold'. (e.g. to 'invoice-2011-004, etc). Hence my request above for Amember not to create an invoice for 0 EUR products and stop registering the 'payment(s)' for these free products too. Can anyone please help fix this in Amember's code? Thanks!
If you also have 'paid for' content and somebody registers and then goes to payment processor but then changes mind a '0' invoice is also produced.
Well, sorry that it is not fixed in helpdesk yet I will take your ticket and will fix this in 24 hours. There is no way to not create payments for free signups. But here is what can be done: Additional field can be created in payment record for invoice_id and this field will be set only when user purchase payment with amount >0; Then aMember will use that field in templates when will display number of invoice. So user will see that invoice_id instead of payment_id. Also, this is possible to change templates in amember CP, so invoice_if will be used here as well.
Spoke to Anton from support over Skype this morning Hi Alexander, Thanks very much for your reply. I was able to chat with Anton from support over Skype this morning and he provided a solution that seems to work after doing some initial testing today. He added the following to mail_receipt.pdf {php} $p = $this->_tpl_vars['payment']; global $db; $num=$db->query_one("SELECT count(*) from {$db->config['prefix']}payments where completed=1 and amount>0 and time<'$p[time]' and DATE_FORMAT(time,'%Y')=DATE_FORMAT('$p[time]','%Y')")+1; $this->assign('num', $num); {/php} <b>#_TPL_THX_YOUR_INVOICE# {$payment.time|date_format:'%Y'}-{$num|string_format:'%03d'} #_TPL_THX_FROM# {$payment.tm_completed|amember_date_format}</b> Just to be sure, will this be sufficient to solve the issue properly? Thank you guys for your suport. Alex
Dear Sirs, I have ran into the same issue as described in this thread. We have several products that are free (price=0) and a few "products" that act as packages and include the free ones. When invoices or reports are generated, we get something like: "Package" Product $100 Free product 1 $0 [...] Free product 1$0 And we end up with a really cluttered report/invoice. Should we apply the code that is shown in this thread to change this? Thank you in advance
Hello, Let's say I have the following products: Independent suscriptions/products: Product #1, set price $0 Product #2, set price $0 Product #3, set price $0 Product #4, set price $50 Product #5, set price $50 Product #6, set price $80: includes all the previous products If the user acquires product #6: 1) the invoice lists all products (1-6) with individual prices, not just product 6 2) if I generate a report, all the products for this user show up, not just the one that he paid for; I end up with a list of products of price 0 + the product that the user actually paid for, that includes the others. This really clutters the report. I hope this is clearer. Best regards
1. This is possible to modify receipt so it will not include free products. Contact as in helpdesk we will help. 2. Not sure I understood. What report you mean?
Hi there, I too would liketo use this code - question --- Where do I find the mail_receipt.pdf to add this code? thanks