How to test paypal payment method?

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by pixeldust, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. pixeldust

    pixeldust Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Can someone please do a stepbystep explanation how i can check if my payments are working? Im really new, and not a coder. Please keep that in mind.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
  3. pixeldust

    pixeldust Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Do i have to put my sandbox paypal account as merchant id?

    Ok, i think i managed to test it. But there is a problem:

    After pushing signup, i get directed to the paypal page (i guess in the test environment). I fill in the details of my testaccount (from sandbox) and it says payment was done etc. Then it stops. It has a button that says "Go back to -myemailadress-" instead of redirecting it to the membership area. When i click that button however it does send me back to my membership site, but to the page from amember that says "You dont have a subscription".

    Is this because of testing? I checked the user i made in the amember admin, but it says "pending".

    What am i doing wrong?

    Another question popped up: When someone gets directed to the paypal payment page, it has the "paypal option" unfolded, and the creditcard option closed, is there a way to have them both unfolded so people with a creditcard actually notice the option to pay with it instead of paypal?
  4. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    You use the seller and buyer accounts you create in sandbox to test with.

    Sounds like you havent integrated properly...
    After setting up the buyer login under the buyer and set up the ipn etc.. like you would normally do for amember.

  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Check aMember CP -> Error /Debug log there should be info about IPN message sent from paypal. If there were any error it will be in Error/Debug log

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