"You can place text of your agreement to /ammeber/templates/agreement.html " "Use Offline plugin for money orders. Edit /amember/plugins/payment/offline/offline.html file to meet your needs" The support teams of amember gave me the information above about what i need to do with my member agreement and my offline account. Where can i find more information about how to do the above????
What they are referring to are the template files for amember. You can use a text editor to edit the content of them. David
But where can I find the file for "/amember/templates/agreement.html". I looked in the cp amdin page. didn't see it. thanks matt
matt, /amember/templates/ is the path to the file on your server (assuming you installed Amember in a folder called "amember" ex. http://yourdomain.com/amember) aand agreement.html is the name of the file you would edit. When you unzipped the zip file you downloaded from amember it had a series of subdirectories. Locally on your machine if you browse the directories \amember\templates you will find the agreement.html file. Edit it and upload it to your server in the same directory /amember/templates.