HTML5 support for Flowplayer

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mreininger, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. mreininger

    mreininger New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    If you run a membership site with a couple of videos you will know by now that people want to browse the site with their iDevices. Regardless how stupid Apple's idea was to not support Flash I just do a redesign of one of my membership sites because we need HTML5 support.

    Is there a way to protect videos via amember and have HTML5 support? It should work with Flowplayer but somehow I was not able to work it out.

    Is there a way to do it? It is really important for lots of people...
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    I know this is a real late answer but, FlowPlayer 5.2.x is scheduled for the next major relaease 4.13

    See this thread
  3. gogoseo

    gogoseo Member

    Nov 17, 2012
    I dont know if this is relevant, but please do not repleace Flowplayer Flash with Flowplayer HTML 5. The HTML version has poor support for streaming, clipping and it doesnt suport mp4 on Firefox.

    Flowplayer Flash + iPad plugin works better for me.
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Thanks for the feedback! We scheduled FlowPlayer for major upgrade (4.3.x) and we definitely not going to do serious changes in minor updates.
    We will try however to describe migration to FlowPlayer 5 in aMember 4.2.x in documentation.
  5. gogoseo

    gogoseo Member

    Nov 17, 2012
    Please note that Flowplayer 5 is not a "new" version of Flowplayer Flash. They are developing both players in parallel(each has its pros and cons). So it would make sense to try to integrate both "players"...
  6. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    First let me say I don't have any real expertise in this area. I just know when I try to play back my .mp4 videos (encoded h.264) with the latest Android operating systems, they will not play.

    It is my understanding that IOS (Apple) no longer supports Flash either. Apparently there is an app/plugin that makes it possible; however, based on this article, Flash just aint' gonna happen on Android going forward.

    I am not a prophet, but it looks to me that mobile computing platforms are shedding Flash ASAP. I also think mobile computing (especially tablets) will be used more and more for content consumption going into the future. Somehow the Flash thing has to be addressed...

    I pulled this text from the FlowPlayer 5.2.x website:

    It sounds like you can configure FlowPlayer 5.2.x either start with HTML5 and fallback to Flash, or start with Flash and fallback to HTML5. So, couldn't this one version be used to satisfy the Flash fans and the HTML5 fans?

    OK, video veterans, somebody "take me to school" on this. Since I will be busting out with about 40 training videos soon, I need to school up on this!
  7. gogoseo

    gogoseo Member

    Nov 17, 2012
    Well... for basic use the FlowPlayer fallback to Flash can work. But this fallback when i last time checked is only a "light" version of flash player. So in theory tha FlowPlayer 5 would work fine in html 5 and flash mode, but in practice this does not work for advanced use.

    Fore example i have my videos in mp4 and i wanted them to work on all browsers. I also have a "playlist" of videos that play one after another. And each of the "clips/videos" in playlist has some "actions" that fire after the end of each clip (like doing some jquery and calling an external php for recording statistics).

    So when i wanted to go with FP 5 i figured out that html 5 doesnt support mp4 on Firefox. So this alone is a large disadvantage since most of my users use Firefox. Then i also use Amazon Cloudfront streaming. Also i found out that FP 5 doesnt support "real" streaming. And as i mentioned i also use "playlists/clips" in an "advanced" way that im not sure would work in Flowplayer 5. So i have an impression that curently there is no possible way to replace Flowplayer Flash with Flowplayer 5 without breaking the functionality of my site. I know that the developers are working hard to improve the FP 5 but at this time FP5 cannot fully replace the Flowplayer Flash.

    For me the Flash version works better. And then i use the iPad plugin that enables my users to see videos on iPads. Smaller diveices like iPhone etc. are also a different story as on those devides the video plays in "full screen" and the FP is "overrided" and the QuickTime component is called so in those cases no advanced usage with events(recording etc.) is possible.

    PS: keep in mind that i could be wrong with some assumptions as i started to use Flowplayer only one month or so ago...

    re, goran

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