HTTP/HTTPS and Subdomains

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by pe_cam, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. pe_cam

    pe_cam Guest

    Is it possible to setup two virtual hosts in Apache, say:

    Then install aMember on the account subdomain, use HTTPS for purchasing plugin purposes, then use aMember to protect content on the www subdomain?
  2. mrross1

    mrross1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jul 28, 2012
    You can create a subdomain in your Cpanel or hosting management application. You'll possibly need to purchase a SSL Wildcard Certificate.
  3. pe_cam

    pe_cam Guest

    I've already created the subdomains on my Ubuntu box and plan on applying an SSL certificate to one of the virtual hosts. Just to clarify, I want to have:

    Where account is the aMember installation where user info and account payments are made and www is a site full of Drupal content that aMember protects, most likely via the Drupal plugin.

    What I am looking for info on is if aMember can indeed protect a subdomain.
  4. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    I always understood if aMember was in the main site it would protect sub domains also.

    You could always submit a support ticket and check.
  5. pe_cam

    pe_cam Guest

    I submitted a support ticket last week, no answer yet.

    I figure out how to protect a subdomain on my own but now face a new challenge.

    I have aMember protecting a Drupal installation and it inserted it own mod_rewrite code into Drupal's .htaccess. This was step #1. What I need to happen now is to allow public access to the root and have aMember only protect a specific path in my Drupal installation. The problem is that the path is not a real folder, just a URL alias created and managed by Drupal.

    If I create a real folder with that name, aMember will protect it by adding an .htaccess file to the folder, but then Drupal can't load the content because Apache loads the REAL folder over a URL alias.

    Is there something I can put in the root folder's .htaccess that says "only protect a specific path"? I imagine Wordpress would have a similar issue. Neither Drupal or Wordpress create real physical directories with content, so how do you use aMember to protect virtual paths?


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