I cant import my csv file more than 9 user

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by zuiko, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. zuiko

    zuiko New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    I have 6500 member, the csv file size itself around 38o kb.
    the problem is when i import the file, amember only import 9 of them.
    then i tried to slice the file for 1000 member each and import it, and the result always amember import only first 9 user of the list.

    FYI i am using amember v.4 and using my Mac os 10.6 to upload the file.

    hopefully someone in this forum know how to solve my problem.
    I'm kind of desperate on import all this list, this is the number that i am no way willing to do it manually.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Please contact us in helpdesk, and provide access info, we need to troubleshoot this issue.
  3. zuiko

    zuiko New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    all the problem has been solve.
    it seems its my personal mistake, i though when i see the import list only show first 9 list member (and i cant scroll down or check the rest of the list) it means amember cant import it, without further continue the process because i afraid to clean up the mess if its not successfully import the list.

    today I test by small amount (300) after succeed then I try to import all the list, yet the process failed to have 100% completion, so I manually import every 1000 list.

    so right now all my old member already import to new amember database.


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