I dont no

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by fmagusto, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    I really have a problem with the plugin. With my login
    since the V3, I am identified. When I pass by
    V4, I'm not online I can not understand or is
    the concern.
  2. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    Plugin phpbb
  3. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Please contact us via helpdesk. How could we help in forum with such a bugreport??

    First try - are you able to login into phpBB with the same username/password?
    It is important to know if the problem is with single-login or with adding users from aMember to phpBB.
  4. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    In fact, it should not be a bug.
    I mean, in the old version, I am
    connected immediately just by clicking the link
    my forum. In the new version, it is not.

    I post with links to a helpdesk.
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Well, if customer is not logged-in automatically, it is a bug and must be fixed. There must be thousand reasons for this to happen.
  6. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    How do I know? You can watch as the other version, it works very well
    I spent my day looking `...
  7. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    I have add the links in heldesk DAK-16493-114
  8. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

  9. fmagusto

    fmagusto Guest

    With my research in debug, i I hope to win a upgrad for life:)

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